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Its spring again!/E primvar iari!

RO E primvar iari! Music: Tudor Gheorghe Versuri: Virgil Carionopol Din somnul orb de noapte-ntunecoas, De unde-au stat, departe de frumos, Se rentorc livezile acas, n rochii nflorate pn jos, E primvar, iari primvar! Pe fiecare margini de fga, i scot strmoii degetele- afar, De ghiocei, de crini, de toporai... Se simte iari mirosul cmpiei, Din nou arunc soarele pojar, La cntecul nalt al ciocrliei, Ies roadele cu capetele-afar Arunc ziua peste tot cu vrbii, n codri cucii iar-au nvlit, Se bat cu gtul psrile-n sbii i glasurile-i dau la ascuit.

EN Its spring again! Music: Tudor Gheorghe Lyrics: Virgil Carianopol From the blind sleep of the dark nights, From where they stayed far from the beauty, The orchards return home Wearing long flowery gowns. It is spring, its spring again! At every roadside Our ancestors fingers have come out from the depths as snowdrops, lilies or violets... We can sense the green fields smell again, Again the sun throws heat And at the beauty of skylarks high song The nature blossom everywhere. Its time for the Day, our mistress, to share with us the sparrows And the cuckoos invading the woods, The long necks birds are fighting as a preamble Before they polish their voices for the show.

DICTIONARY RO- EN somn (noun)sleep frumusee (noun)- beauty livezi (noun pl)- orchards nflorate (adj)flowery primvar (noun)- spring strmoi (noun pl)- ancestors ghiocei (noun pl ) - snowdrops crini (noun pl)lilies toporai (noun pl)- violets cmpie (noun)field ciocrlie (noun)- skylark vrbii (noun pl) sparrows cuci (noun pl)cuckoos psri (noun pl)- birds

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