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The little, red telephone box

I dont know (1)_______ you but I really love the classic British red telephone box. The first one (2)_______ made in 1920 to protect callers from the unreliable British weather and rain showers but the first one was grey and boring looking. In order to develop a more popular model, a competition (3)_______ held in 1924 and was won (4)______ Giles Gilbert Scott. Kiosk or K2 was made from cast iron and painted red, although Scott wanted (5)_______to be silver. K2 was updated a number of times until K6, in 1935, became the established model. This stayed the same for (6)_______ 35 years and became known throughout the UK. Sadly a mixture of vandalism and the introductions of the mobile phone meant that the old kiosks were no longer needed. However, you can still find (7)_______ in places like the Channel Islands and Gibraltar or as a novelty item in bars and hotels. Whatever their function, theyre still a classic piece of British design.

Pub Names When you visit Britain you might want to visit a pub. You perhaps know that this is an abbreviation of public house. This is a place (8)_______ the landlord and bar staff will serve you with alcoholic refreshments (9)_______ as beers, wine and spirits. These days, many old style pubs have been replaced (10) _______ fun pubs offering pub grub, quiz nights, karaoke, cocktails and cheap drinks at happy hour. You can easily notice a pub by the sign outside. Originally, these were designed for people (11)_______ could not read and they may still be useful for people (12)_______ drunk to read. Typical names include The Queen Victoria, The Railway Arms, The Bull, The Hare and Hounds, The Royal, Oak and The Wagon and Horses. The last of these refers to the days (13)_______ most pubs were coaching inns where horses stabled and travelers slept on long journeys between towns.

Other pubs have more unusual names and my personal favorite is The Nutshell. to put something in a nutshell, means to say (14)_______ in a short, to the point way and this pub does just that because its the smallest pub (15)_______ Britain, possibly _______ the world. If youre thinking of going, you had better Texts from Crazy English! by George hurry.

The little, red telephone box 1- About 2- Was 3- Was 4- By 5- It 6- Over 7- them Pub Names 8- where 9- such 101112131415by Who/that Too When Something

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