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Best buy theater New York 16/04/11 SET LIST:
1.Teutonic terror 2.Bucket full of hate 3.Starlight 4.Breaker 5.Losers and winners 6.Metal heart 7.Pandemic 8.Up to the limit 9.Fast as a shark 10.Balls to the wall

Best buy theater New York 16/04/11 SET LIST:
1.The Green and Black 2.E.vil N.ever D.ies 3. Rotten to the Core 4. Infectious 5. Bring Me the Night 6. Bastard Nation 7. Ironbound 8. Hammerhead

9. Give a Little 10.Deny the Cross 11. Wrecking Crew 12. Horrorscope 13. Old School 14. Elimination 15. Hello From the Gutter 16. Fuck You 17. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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